best mushroom supplement

10 Best Mushroom Supplements for 2023 in the Philippines

What are mushroom supplements good for?

This really depends on the type of mushroom that you are consuming. Overall, the majority of functional mushroom supplements will boost your immune system, promote the absorption of probiotic-rich foods (helping promote great gut health), and fight free radicals.
More specifically, mushroom supplements that contain cordyceps will help with your energy levels, whilst lion’s mane powders will help get rid of brain fog, chaga will reduce inflammation, and reishi will give you calming effects that soften mental health issues. They are pretty much the coolest and most effective plant-based superfoods.

How to choose the best mushroom supplement brand?

Selecting the best mushroom supplement brand based on specific criteria is essential for ensuring optimal benefits and safety. Choosing the best brand can be daunting, as the differences are not immediately apparent.

Best mushroom supplements in 2023: overview

In 2023, the world of mushroom supplements has evolved to provide consumers with a wide range of options to support their health and well-being.
With an increasing interest in natural remedies and holistic health, medicinal mushrooms have gained popularity for their numerous benefits.

Here we will guide you through the top best mushroom supplement choices in the market, helping you make informed decisions based on quality, efficacy, and specific health goals.
We will explore various mushroom species, extraction methods, and product formulations, among other aspects.

What are mushroom supplements, and how do they work?

Mushroom supplements are ground powders or concentrated extracts derived from medicinal mushroom species, such as reishi, lion’s mane, chaga, cordyceps, turkey tail, and shiitake.
Medicinal mushrooms differ from ordinary edible mushrooms, like button or portobello mushrooms, due to their unique bioactive compounds and therapeutic properties.
Medicinal mushrooms possess specific compounds like beta-glucans, polysaccharides, triterpenes, and ergosterol, which have been shown to exhibit health benefits: immune support, cognitive function enhancement, and antioxidant properties.

These supplements work primarily through their bioactive compounds, which interact with the human body in various ways. For instance, beta-glucans modulate immune function by stimulating immune cells like macrophages and natural killer cells.

Additionally, some mushroom extracts exhibit neuroprotective effects, promoting cognitive health and supporting nerve growth. Scientific research and clinical studies have provided evidence for the efficacy and safety of mushroom supplements.

What to consider when assessing the quality and purity of mushroom extracts?

Ensuring that high-quality, pure mushroom extracts are used in a supplement involves a few key considerations. A crucial factor is the extraction method. Mushroom extracts should ideally be dual-extracted, meaning they undergo both water and alcohol extraction to optimize the bioavailability of both water-soluble and fat-soluble components.

Another key aspect is the extraction ratio, which should be clearly stated on the product label. A higher extraction ratio, such as 8:1 or 10:1, indicates a more concentrated extract. It means that a larger quantity of raw mushrooms was used per unit of extract.
Consideration should also be given to the equivalent weight. For example, a 10:1 extract means 10 pounds of raw mushrooms were used to produce 1 pound of extract. A higher equivalent weight indicates a more potent extract.

Always look for transparent labeling, and consider third-party testing for added assurance of quality and purity.

The benefits of mushroom supplements

Mushroom supplements, derived from medicinal mushrooms, offer a range of health benefits due to their unique bioactive compounds.
Some key benefits include the following:

Immune system support. Beta-glucans and polysaccharides in mushrooms stimulate immune cells, modulating the immune response.

Antioxidant properties. Some mushrooms contain compounds with strong antioxidant effects, combating free radicals and reducing oxidative stress.

Cognitive function enhancement. Certain mushrooms, like Lion’s Mane, promote nerve growth and provide neuroprotective effects, supporting brain health.

Anti-inflammatory effects. Mushroom extracts can help reduce inflammation, potentially easing symptoms of inflammatory conditions.

Anti-cancer properties. Some mushrooms contain compounds that exhibit anti-cancer activity, inhibiting tumor growth and promoting apoptosis.

Can mushroom supplements cause side effects?

Mushroom supplements are generally considered safe for most people when used appropriately. However, some individuals may experience side effects or adverse reactions as with any supplement. The likelihood of side effects depends on factors such as the type of mushroom, dosage, individual sensitivity, and the quality of the supplement.
Potential side effects may include the following:

Gastrointestinal issues. Nausea, diarrhea, stomach cramps, or bloating may occur in some individuals, particularly when taking high doses.

Allergic reactions. Some people may experience allergies or sensitivities to specific mushroom species or their components.

Drug interactions. Mushroom supplements may interact with certain medications, such as blood thinners, antidiabetic drugs, or immunosuppressants.

Hormone-related effects. Some medicinal mushrooms may have hormone-like effects, which could concern individuals with hormone-sensitive conditions.

It is important to consult a healthcare professional before using mushroom supplements, especially for individuals with pre-existing medical conditions, pregnant or nursing women, and those taking medications.

What is the best way to take mushroom supplements?

Various forms of mushroom supplements are available, including capsules, tablets, powders, and liquid extracts. The benefits of mushroom powder include the versatility to be easily added to beverages, smoothies, or food.

They may also contain higher concentrations of active compounds than capsules or tablets. However, powders may have a distinct taste that some may find unpalatable.
Capsules and tablets provide a tasteless, convenient option for those who prefer precise dosing and easy-to-swallow formats.

Taking a complex of multiple mushrooms is an option for those looking for a mix of medicinal mushrooms.


In conclusion, after thoroughly reviewing various mushroom supplements available on the market, it is clear that these products offer a promising range of potential health benefits. Mushrooms have long been revered for their nutritional and medicinal properties, and the supplements discussed in these reviews demonstrate their versatility in supporting various aspects of well-being.
While specific preferences may vary depending on individual needs, it is evident that mushroom supplements can contribute to immune system support, cognitive function enhancement, energy boost, and overall vitality.